Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reading and questions, supposed to be due the 12th, now due 14th

Read, How are earthqukes measured.... HW DUE_____Tuesday, 4/14/11


Think deeply

Answer the following questions:

Name: ________________________

1.Fill in the blank: The size of an earthquake is considered it's ____________________

2.Comparison, (example fries are to ketchup as rice is to soy sauce)
Magnitude is to earthquakes as ____________________- is to __________________

3.The richtor scale is a log scale. So a richter scale 2 is _____ times greater than a richter scale 1.
And a richter scale 8 is ________ times greater than a richter scale 5.

4.What is the Modified Mercalli scale?

5.Plate tectonics theory states that crusts are _______________ kilometers thick.

6.There are three different types of plate boundaries. These boundaries are:

__________________ ______________________ ___________________________

7.What states are next to the Cascadia subduction zone?

____________________ ______________________ ___________________________

8.The earth is made of how many major tectonic plates? ____________________

9.What type of an EQ is a magnitiude 8 +? _____________

10. What would be a symptom or characteristic of a Modified Mercalli XI, in regular persons words:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Geology Reading Assignment, Given 4/5 due 4/7

Group 1: Read If you can't get the link to work see it at our blog,

Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper.
1.What was the richter scale of the recent Japan earthquake according to the USGS.
2.Name a richter scale 9 quake. When, where, and how many people died in that?
3.What date was the Alaskan Prince William Sound?
4.How do we know the Alaskan quake was a subduction zone quake
5.How many died in the 2004 quake?
6.Where was the 2004 quake and why did so many die?

Draw a subduction zone labeling the oceanic plate, aesthenosphere, convection current, continental plate, subduction zone, trench, and associated volcanic range.

Group 2. Read.

Answer these questions:
1.How quickly does the pacific plate move?
2.What is the result of that movement?
3.What kind of scale is the richter scale based on?
4.Compare what strength a 3 vs a 4 quake would be.
5.What about a 4 vs a 7?
6.What is the most people died in an earthquake, and where is that plate?
*How far will the plate move in 74 years?

Draw a sketch (or print out a map) of the pacific ring of fire Japan, China, the US (including Alaska), Canada, Mexico and Chile. Drawing and labeling the mid pacific ridge, the direction of the plate spreading, labeling the rate at which it is spreading. Draw volcanoes where you would predict them.

Group 3. Read

Answer the following questions:
1.What is a megathrust quake?
2.Why have they focused on the area they focused on?
3.Why do people hang out there?
4.Fill in the blanks: Such stories provide compelling evidence for _________ coseismic uplift followed by ___________ postseismic and inter___________.
5.Explain that In 6th grader terms
6.What does this have to do with Oregon, or the Japanese quake?
*any ideas how we might be able to predict quakes from this kind of event?

Draw a subduction zone labeling the oceanic plate, continental plate, subduction zone, trench, and associated volcanic range MOST IMPORTANTLY WHAT THEY MEAN BY COASTAL UPLIFT.

Group 4: Read

Answer these questions,
1.What is the difference between the richter scale and MMI scale numerically?
2.What is the nature of the richter scale?
3.What is the nature of the MMI scale?
4.Do I want to live in a masonry A or D building? Why?
5.Look at the below seismogram. Label primary, secondary, and Lwaves.
6.Describe where you think the p, s, and l wave would be on a MMI scale.

Group 5:. Read.

Answer these questions:
1.What is the nature of the article? Educational, informative, or entertainment
2.Why do you think people might read this (if they weren't in a class)
3.The richter scale is what kind of scale?
4.Come up with an analogy that would help describe that relationship. (something a 6th grder could understand)
7.What is the most people died in an earthquake, and where is that plate?
*How far will the plate move in 60 years?

Draw a subduction zone labeling the oceanic plate, aesthenosphere, convection current, continental plate, subduction zone, trench, and associated volcanic range.