Sunday, March 27, 2011

Natural Disaster Interview

Directions: Interview a Survivor of a natural disaster.

What Kind?

The magnitude of that natural disaster had to be big enough that people died or could have died. The survivor must feel like they have SURVIVED the experience.
What Questions?
These might be good places to start: Where were you? How old were you? Where were you when it started? How did you know it had started? What were you feeling, what went through your head when you realized it was starting? What did you do to protect yourself and those you were with? Did anyone die? What was it like when it was over? Was anything destroyed? Were you able to go back to work/school? Did you know anyone who lost their work/school? Did you have nightmares or dreams about it? What do you think you would do if you were in that situation again? Do you have an emergency kit?

Interviewee must NOT be in your immediate family. (i.e. must be a relative you don't live with) OR an adult not at the school. No teachers or adults at the school. No fellow geology students.

For the first phase of the project we'll present to the class on April 5th, the first day back from break. Bring any documentation, video, audio, notes on paper. Be able to sum up the experience for your peers. Later we will develop it into a project that students will then make into a meaningful product attached to a field they may later choose to study.

Reasoning/Inspiration/Follow Up
The goal of this project is to "bring home" the experience of a natural disaster by having students interview a friend or non-immediate family member as to their experience of a natural disaster. State and national science benchmarks outline this kind of experience as a meaningful experience that will enrich, inform, and motivate a student's study of natural disasters.

More information can be found: On this site

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