Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lesson Plan from April 21st, Sub Day

In preparation for teaching the school about earthquakes through a presentation and a PSA, here is some "prep work" for us:

Please watch the video, copy and paste the questions into an email, answer the emails,and then email them to me at If you have no email jot them down on a piece of paper and hand them into your friendly sub. Please use class time to work on this or your group project.

1. Seismic / earthquake waves
What are the first two types of waves?
Which disturb materials horizontally, love waves or Rayleigh waves?

In 1964 there was an earthquake in Alaska, what happened in California.
Where do these mega quakes happen?
Which plate goes under the continental plate?
What is the name of the subduction zone off the coast of Oregon?

. Check out this PSA:

Then answer these questions:
A. One word for your overall impression of this "interesting" take on PSAs?
B. What is the strength of this PSA?
C. What is one weakness of this PSA?

4. What does PSA stand for?

5. Find three more PSAs and either email them to me or write down the urls (or at least title and videographer)

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