Saturday, June 11, 2011

Geology Final Grade

Geology Grade, Spring Term 2011
Based on: Classwork (40%), Independent Project (30%), Group Project EQ Presentation (30%)


AND May's work
exercise 15 __
lesson from 4/21__
geology warm ups ___

Independent Project

Interview ____
Person, relation to you, phone number, kind of event they survived, how old they were at the time, where they were, how old were they, what was there first sign it was happening, would they have done things differently, does it change how they live now?
Reflection and Personalization ___
Consider and reflect how this might affect you. Where might you run into this sort of event. I you were in your adult life, what career would you be doing and if this kind of event would happen how would you deal with it? (at work, at home)
Product ___
Take it upon yourself to conduct a project. Examples might include: An earthquake readiness plan for your family. A 72 hour kit, tour a Red Cross, take a class from the Red Cross k attend a neighborhood readiness meeting, write a reflection, make a brochure of how to be ready, how to help kids, how to cope with loss, etc.

Group Project: School Earthquake Drill

___ Individual Use of Time
___ student ___ teacher

___ Presentation to a class
___ student ___ teacher

___ Refining and polishing
presentation skills
___ student ___ teacher

___ Reflection of project
___ student ___ teacher

___ Write a“next year to do list”
___ student ___ teacher

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